Relative request path: | api/orgs/{organisationId}/customers/{customerId} |
Property | Description |
organisationId | organisation id |
customerId | customer id |
Request parameters:
Request parameters:
Request parameters:
Property | Description |
CustomerId | Customer id. |
Code | Customer code, unique within organisation. |
Name | Customer name. |
Address | Customer address. |
PostalCode | Customer postal code. |
City | Customer city. |
Country | class Country. Customer country. |
CountryName | Country name. |
TaxNumber | Customer tax number. |
RegistrationNumber | Customer registration number. |
VATIdentificationNumber | Customer VAT Identification Number. |
SubjectToVAT | Possible values: (D, M, N). Customer VAT settings. For EU customers:
ConsiderCountryForBookkeeping | Possible values: (D, N). Take customers country into account for bookkeeping (Foreign endusers only).
Currency | class Currency. Default currency. |
ExpirationDays | Invoice expiration days. |
RebatePercent | Rebate (%) |
WebSiteURL | Web site. |
EInvoiceIssuing | Possible values: (SeNePripravlja, RocniIzvoz, Ponudnik, EPosta). e-Invoices issuing type:
InternalCustomerNumber | Internal reference for e-invoices. |
BudgetUserNumber | |
Usage | Possible values: (D, N). Usage:
AssociationType | Possible values: (Maticna, Odvisna, Ostala). |
RecordDtModified | |
RowVersion | Row version is used for concurrency check. |
This method returns result of type 'SAOP.API.Models.Customer.Customer'.
/// Customer details.
public class Customer
// Customer id.
// Ignored on create request.
public long CustomerId { get; set; }
// Customer code, unique within organisation.
public string Code { get; set; }
// Customer name.
public string Name { get; set; }
// Customer address.
public string Address { get; set; }
// Customer postal code.
public string PostalCode { get; set; }
// Customer city.
public string City { get; set; }
// Customer country.
public mMApiFkField Country { get; set; }
// Country name.
public string CountryName { get; set; }
// Customer tax number.
public string TaxNumber { get; set; }
// Customer registration number.
public string RegistrationNumber { get; set; }
// Customer VAT Identification Number.
public string VATIdentificationNumber { get; set; }
// Customer VAT settings.<br/>
// For EU customers:
// <ul>
//     <li>D - Legal person or a person with business who is subject to VAT,</li>
//     <li>M - Legal person or a person with business who is NOT subject to VAT,</li>
//     <li>N – Enduser.</li>
// </ul>
// For customers outside EU:
// <ul>
//     <li>D - Legal person (VAT on the issued invoice is not to be accounted for),</li>
//     <li>N – Enduser.</li>
// </ul>
public string SubjectToVAT { get; set; }
// Take customers country into account for bookkeeping (Foreign endusers only).
// Usage:
// <ul>
//     <li>D - Yes,</li>
//     <li>N - No.</li>
// </ul>
public string ConsiderCountryForBookkeeping { get; set; }
// Default currency.
public mMApiFkField Currency { get; set; }
// Invoice expiration days.
public int ExpirationDays { get; set; }
// Rebate (%)
public Decimal RebatePercent { get; set; }
// Web site.
public string WebSiteURL { get; set; }
// e-Invoices issuing type:
// <ul>
//     <li>SeNePripravlja  - None(won't be prepared)</li>
//     <li>RocniIzvoz  - Import to bank</li>
//     <li>Ponudnik  -Import to ZZInet</li>
//     <li>EPosta  - Send by email</li>
// <ul>
public string EInvoiceIssuing { get; set; }
// Internal reference for e-invoices.
public string InternalCustomerNumber { get; set; }
// GLN
public string GLN { get; set; }
public string BudgetUserNumber { get; set; }
// Usage:
// <ul>
//     <li>D - Yes,</li>
//     <li>N - No.</li>
// </ul>
public string Usage { get; set; }
public string AssociationType { get; set; }
public DateTime RecordDtModified { get; set; }
// Row version is used for concurrency check.
// Ignored on create request.
public string RowVersion { get; set; }
/// Link with id, name and url to related data.
public class mMApiFkField
// Record id.
public long? ID { get; set; }
// Record name.
public string Name { get; private set; }
// Url to full record details.
public string ResourceUrl { get; private set; }
This method returns result of type 'SAOP.API.Models.Customer.Customer'.
/// Customer details.
class Customer
// Customer id.
// Ignored on create request.
public $CustomerId;
// Customer code, unique within organisation.
public $Code;
// Customer name.
public $Name;
// Customer address.
public $Address;
// Customer postal code.
public $PostalCode;
// Customer city.
public $City;
// Customer country.
public $Country;
// Country name.
public $CountryName;
// Customer tax number.
public $TaxNumber;
// Customer registration number.
public $RegistrationNumber;
// Customer VAT Identification Number.
public $VATIdentificationNumber;
// Customer VAT settings.<br/>
// For EU customers:
// <ul>
//     <li>D - Legal person or a person with business who is subject to VAT,</li>
//     <li>M - Legal person or a person with business who is NOT subject to VAT,</li>
//     <li>N – Enduser.</li>
// </ul>
// For customers outside EU:
// <ul>
//     <li>D - Legal person (VAT on the issued invoice is not to be accounted for),</li>
//     <li>N – Enduser.</li>
// </ul>
public $SubjectToVAT;
// Take customers country into account for bookkeeping (Foreign endusers only).
// Usage:
// <ul>
//     <li>D - Yes,</li>
//     <li>N - No.</li>
// </ul>
public $ConsiderCountryForBookkeeping;
// Default currency.
public $Currency;
// Invoice expiration days.
public $ExpirationDays;
// Rebate (%)
public $RebatePercent;
// Web site.
public $WebSiteURL;
// e-Invoices issuing type:
// <ul>
//     <li>SeNePripravlja  - None(won't be prepared)</li>
//     <li>RocniIzvoz  - Import to bank</li>
//     <li>Ponudnik  -Import to ZZInet</li>
//     <li>EPosta  - Send by email</li>
// <ul>
public $EInvoiceIssuing;
// Internal reference for e-invoices.
public $InternalCustomerNumber;
// GLN
public $GLN;
public $BudgetUserNumber;
// Usage:
// <ul>
//     <li>D - Yes,</li>
//     <li>N - No.</li>
// </ul>
public $Usage;
public $AssociationType;
public $RecordDtModified;
// Row version is used for concurrency check.
// Ignored on create request.
public $RowVersion;
/// Link with id, name and url to related data.
class mMApiFkField
// Record id.
public $ID;
// Record name.
public $Name;
// Url to full record details.
public $ResourceUrl;
This method returns result of type 'SAOP.API.Models.Customer.Customer'.
/// Customer details.
public class Customer
// Customer id.
// Ignored on create request.
public Long CustomerId;
// Customer code, unique within organisation.
public String Code;
// Customer name.
public String Name;
// Customer address.
public String Address;
// Customer postal code.
public String PostalCode;
// Customer city.
public String City;
// Customer country.
public mMApiFkField Country;
// Country name.
public String CountryName;
// Customer tax number.
public String TaxNumber;
// Customer registration number.
public String RegistrationNumber;
// Customer VAT Identification Number.
public String VATIdentificationNumber;
// Customer VAT settings.<br/>
// For EU customers:
// <ul>
//     <li>D - Legal person or a person with business who is subject to VAT,</li>
//     <li>M - Legal person or a person with business who is NOT subject to VAT,</li>
//     <li>N – Enduser.</li>
// </ul>
// For customers outside EU:
// <ul>
//     <li>D - Legal person (VAT on the issued invoice is not to be accounted for),</li>
//     <li>N – Enduser.</li>
// </ul>
public String SubjectToVAT;
// Take customers country into account for bookkeeping (Foreign endusers only).
// Usage:
// <ul>
//     <li>D - Yes,</li>
//     <li>N - No.</li>
// </ul>
public String ConsiderCountryForBookkeeping;
// Default currency.
public mMApiFkField Currency;
// Invoice expiration days.
public Integer ExpirationDays;
// Rebate (%)
public Double RebatePercent;
// Web site.
public String WebSiteURL;
// e-Invoices issuing type:
// <ul>
//     <li>SeNePripravlja  - None(won't be prepared)</li>
//     <li>RocniIzvoz  - Import to bank</li>
//     <li>Ponudnik  -Import to ZZInet</li>
//     <li>EPosta  - Send by email</li>
// <ul>
public String EInvoiceIssuing;
// Internal reference for e-invoices.
public String InternalCustomerNumber;
// GLN
public String GLN;
public String BudgetUserNumber;
// Usage:
// <ul>
//     <li>D - Yes,</li>
//     <li>N - No.</li>
// </ul>
public String Usage;
public String AssociationType;
public Date RecordDtModified;
// Row version is used for concurrency check.
// Ignored on create request.
public String RowVersion;
/// Link with id, name and url to related data.
public class mMApiFkField
// Record id.
public Long ID;
// Record name.
public String Name;
// Url to full record details.
public String ResourceUrl;