API Documentation

class Customer

Customer details.
Property Description
Customer id. Mandatory.
Customer code, unique within organisation. Optional. Max length: 10.
Customer name. Optional. Max length: 250.
Customer address. Optional. Max length: 250.
Customer postal code. Optional. Max length: 30.
Customer city. Optional. Max length: 250.
Country class Country. Customer country. Mandatory.
Country name. Optional. Max length: 250.
Customer tax number. Optional. Max length: 30.
Customer registration number. Optional. Max length: 30.
Customer VAT Identification Number. Optional. Max length: 30.
Possible values: (D, M, N). Customer VAT settings.
For EU customers:
  • D - Legal person or a person with business who is subject to VAT,
  • M - Legal person or a person with business who is NOT subject to VAT,
  • N – Enduser.
For customers outside EU:
  • D - Legal person (VAT on the issued invoice is not to be accounted for),
  • N – Enduser.
Mandatory. Max length: 1.
Possible values: (D, N). Take customers country into account for bookkeeping (Foreign endusers only). Usage:
  • D - Yes,
  • N - No.
Optional. Max length: 1.
Currency class Currency. Default currency. Optional.
Invoice expiration days. Mandatory.
Rebate (%) Mandatory.
Web site. Optional. Max length: 100.
Possible values: (SeNePripravlja, RocniIzvoz, Ponudnik, EPosta). e-Invoices issuing type:
  • SeNePripravlja - None(won't be prepared)
  • RocniIzvoz - Import to bank
  • Ponudnik -Import to ZZInet
  • EPosta - Send by email
    • Mandatory. Max length: 1.
Internal reference for e-invoices. Optional. Max length: 30.
GLN Optional. Max length: 30.
Possible values: (D, N). Usage:
  • D - Yes,
  • N - No.
Mandatory. Max length: 1.
Possible values: (Maticna, Odvisna, Ostala). Optional. Max length: 30.
Row version is used for concurrency check.