API Documentation

class IssuedInvoiceRow

Issued invoice row details.
Property Description
Issued invoice id. Mandatory.
IssuedInvoice class IssuedInvoice. Issued invoice. Optional.
Item class Item. Item. Mandatory.
Item name. Optional. Max length: 250.
Issued invoice row number. Mandatory.
Item code. Optional. Max length: 30.
Serial number. Optional. Max length: 30.
Batch number. Optional. Max length: 30.
Item description. Optional. Max length: 8000.
Item quantity. Mandatory.
Item unit of measurement. Optional. Max length: 3.
Mass of item in kilogram. Optional.
Price. Mandatory.
Price with included VAT. Mandatory.
Item VAT percent. Mandatory.
Discount value in currency. Mandatory.
Discount value in percent. Mandatory.
Row value. Mandatory. Readonly.
VatRate class VatRate. Item VAT rate. Mandatory.
VatRatePercentage class VatRate. Vat rate percentage identifier Optional.
Warehouse class Warehouse. Warehouse. Input allowed if settings are set for direct discharge(Inventory). Mandatory.
AdditionalWarehouse class Warehouse. Warehouse. Input allowed if settings are set for discharge from additional warehouse. Optional.
Tax-free value. Optional.
Tax-exemption value. Optional.
Other taxes and duties. Usage:
  • D – yes
  • N - no
VAT accounting type. Optional. Max length: 5.
Code for tax exemption reason. Only for e-invoice for Minimax RS. Optional.
Analytic class Analytic. Analytic. Optional.
Row version is used for concurrency check.